Hi Tom,
I guess you mean if the RobocodeEngine provide an API for setting the
inactivity time and other battle rules as well?
The RobocodeEngine has these 3 methods, where you can provide a
void runBattle
Runs the specified battle.
void runBattle
<http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/control/BattleSpecification.html> battleSpecification,
boolean waitTillOver)
Runs the specified battle.
void runBattle
battleSpecification, String
<http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html?is-external=true> initialPositions,
boolean waitTillOver)
Runs the specified battle.
A BattleSpecification
various constructors, where you must provide the battle rules like e.g. the
inactivity time:
<http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/control/BattlefieldSpecification.html> battlefieldSize,
int numRounds, long inactivityTime, double gunCoolingRate,
int sentryBorderSize, boolean hideEnemyNames, RobotSpecification
[] robots, RobotSetup
[] initialSetups)
So yes, it is possible to do. :-)
When not using the RobocodeEngine, a .battle file can be saved, which can
can be specified using the -battle option for Robocode when starting.
Robocode will automatically start a battle with the rules and robots
specified in the .battle file.
I hope this helps?
Best regards,
- Flemming
Post by Tom PlumIs there anyway to override the default inactivity time of 450 turns in
the BattleRules? I can't find any public setter in the API. But the
getInactivityTime() method in the BattleRules Class says
"The allowed inactivity time is per default 450 turns, but can be changed
by the battle setup. So don't count on the inactivity time being 450 turns!"
So does this mean I can change the configuration of the BattleRules?
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