2010-04-26 11:16:28 UTC
I'm new to Robocode and working on translation Java bots to .Net. I have hosted an opensource project called RobocodeBotsDotNet.
Currently I'm experiencing difficulties with the OrcaM bot: I can't find the NRLIBJ anywhere. Each link to the library is broken. Could anyone please share this library with me?
To those who doesn't know, OrcaM is an opensource bot that utilizes neural network targeting algorythm.
I'm going to translate the code of OrcaM to C# and refine it a little bit, and would add some comments to clarify the algorythm.
If you're interested in collaboration please see the repository of RobocodeBotsDotNet and join my team: http://www.assembla.com/spaces/robocode-bots-dotnet/tickets
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I'm new to Robocode and working on translation Java bots to .Net. I have hosted an opensource project called RobocodeBotsDotNet.
Currently I'm experiencing difficulties with the OrcaM bot: I can't find the NRLIBJ anywhere. Each link to the library is broken. Could anyone please share this library with me?
To those who doesn't know, OrcaM is an opensource bot that utilizes neural network targeting algorythm.
I'm going to translate the code of OrcaM to C# and refine it a little bit, and would add some comments to clarify the algorythm.
If you're interested in collaboration please see the repository of RobocodeBotsDotNet and join my team: http://www.assembla.com/spaces/robocode-bots-dotnet/tickets
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