technical difficulties
2011-02-02 05:11:27 UTC
Hi everybody,
I am new to robocode programming.please find the following technical difficulties:
1.what is the concept of trick and turn?
2.how many actions are performed in one tick by a bot?
3.how are bots scheduled by the battle manager?
4.as far i know each bot is assigned one turn.so suppose we calculate the position of a target bot but it is possible that the target bot might have changed the position when its turn comes.......can anybody explain plzzz.......
thanks in advance


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2011-02-02 15:57:49 UTC
1) Robocode is turn oriented. A turn is the same as one tick or one time
2) You can give a command to move the body, turn body, turn gun, and
turn radar in the same turn. You can do all of it in one turn. However,
the turn and movement might not complete in the same turn.Note that
robots inherited from Robot and JuniorRobot can only turn one either the
body, gun, radar or make a movement in one turn as the do immediate
execution. Advanced robots can do it simultaneously by calling setXXX()
method and execute() when all of these commands must be executed. The
execute() finalizes the turn.
3) Bots are scheduled with individual threads, that are awakened and put
to sleep again with every turn. The get X amount of time to run,
depending on the CPU constant, which is depending on your machine power
(it is calculated).
4) I suggest that you take a look at the Targeting Problem
<http://robowiki.net/wiki/The_Targeting_Problem> at the RoboWiki
<http://robowiki.net/> .
Regards,- Flemming N. Larsen
Post by jagannathit17
Hi everybody,
1.what is the concept of trick and turn?
2.how many actions are performed in one tick by a bot?
3.how are bots scheduled by the battle manager?
4.as far i know each bot is assigned one turn.so suppose we calculate
the position of a target bot but it is possible that the target bot
might have changed the position when its turn comes.......can anybody
explain plzzz.......
Post by jagannathit17
thanks in advance